May 24 – European Day of Parks

Urednik Expert service news, News

In 1999, the organization that unites Europe’s protected areas, the EUROPARC Federation, began celebrating European Day of Parks. Since then, 24 May has been a day of celebration for all protected areas in Europe with the aim of bringing people closer to nature and raising public awareness of the importance of the natural and cultural beauty preserved in protected areas, especially the importance of the conservation and sustainable management of these areas.

This year, the theme of European Day of Parks is Vote for Nature, because it is important to speak up, voice your concerns and take action to ensure a healthy future for people and nature. We can show our support and care for nature in many ways and influence the decisions that are made. On this year’s European Day of Parks, EUROPARC wants to highlight how important our protected areas are for the development and implementation of nature policies and how they play a central role in ensuring a sustainable and resilient society in which European citizens can live, work and thrive. Whether you are voting in this year’s European, national or regional elections, or simply want to influence better decisions for your park and protected area, it’s time to “Vote for Nature”!

At Plitvice Lakes National Park, we will again this year introduce our young people to the conservation of our rich natural heritage with the “Junior Rangers” educational program. We will conduct the program on May 24 with about 30 8th grade students from Plitvička Jezera Elementary School and Eugen Kvaternik Elementary School (Rakovica). By raising interest in nature conservation among young people, we give our protected areas and the preservation of natural heritage a bright future, and we think this is the right way to celebrate the European Day of Parks.

Let us vote for nature and give our natural heritage the support it deserves!