With great pleasure we present the Cultural and Artistic Society “Dangubice” Kuterevo, founded in 2011 with the aim of preserving local traditions, customs, songs, dances and village speech.
The society has about 50 members of different age groups, and it got its name from the traditional tambourine instrument that is played in Kuterevo.
The Šporčić family, craftsmen from Kuterevo, make these instruments by hand and pass the skill on to younger generations. The society currently has about fifty members of different ages. KUD “Dangubice” operates in several sections: danguba, tambura, drama, singing and originally folklore.

Over the years, the society has shown its talents at a series of fairs and events, including the Otočac Folklore Fair, the International Fair of Traditional Folklore in Muć, the Vinkova Autumns and many others: Đakovo Vezovi, Folklore Fairs “On the Neretva the Misečina fell” in Metković, International Folklore Fair Zagreb, In Croatia, see the Samičar in Donji Andrijevci, Brodské kolo, See the original folklore of Karlovac County “Igra kolo” in Ogulin, the Passion heritage in Zagreb, meetings organized by the Croatian Parliament of Culture, the Meeting of Guardians of Ethnic Heritage in Germany, the Lika Evening in Switzerland and many other events and events. They also took part in the recording of the HRT music-stage series Lijepo Naša in Novalja and Gospić and the HRT show Dobro Jutro Hrvatska, and in 2017 they participated in the recording of the HRT folk and traditional culture documentary show about the dangubica tambourine. Every year they organize their annual concert in Kuterevo, in which other cultural and artistic societies also participate.
Their commitment to preserving and promoting the heritage and folk tradition of Kuterevo and beyond has been recognized through numerous awards and accolades, including first place for the most authentic klapa in Germany and first place for male vocal groups at the State Small Vocal Ensemble Show in Sisak. They were also awarded the Plaque of the City of Otočac in 2022 for their contribution to the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage and traditional customs.

In addition to their performances, KUD “Dangubice” Kuterevo also recorded their first audio CD in 2018 called “Kuterevo selo ispod gore”, which was nominated for the prestigious Croatian music award PORIN. They released their second album “PROŠETA MOMČE KROZ SELO” in 2020, which contains 23 traditional songs.
We are honored that KUD “Dangubice” Kuterevo is part of our community, and we look forward to their further success in preserving and promoting cultural heritage.
This year’s performance of KUD “DANGUBICA” Kuterevo will hold two performances as part of the summer of cultural heritage. The first performance will take place on September 2, 2023 at Entrance 1 to the Plitvice Lakes National Park, starting at 5:30 p.m., and the second performance will take place on September 30, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in Campsite Borje. Visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy the rich folklore tradition of this region.