Give an hour for Earth doing something you really love!
Earth Hour is a great opportunity to take an hour out of your day to contribute to the annual celebration of this important day. The time you set aside should be for what you truly love, and you will combine your favourite activities with joining the global action for planet Earth.
Your activities can be related to nature, food, sustainability, art and creativity, entertainment or fitness. Wherever you find yourself in any of the activities, keep planet Earth in mind.
We definitely recommend spending time in nature, and for that you can visit the Plitvice Lakes National Park, which will certainly be more than 60 minutes of enjoying beautiful lakes and waterfalls.
We also recommend adopting positive sustainable practices that can enrich your daily activities and contribute to sustainability in the local community and tourist destination.
Due to the challenges we face in the fight against climate change, biodiversity loss, and the depletion of natural resources, we suggest you inform yourself, learn, and explore what global actions exist and how you can be part of the solution. Every contribution, hour, and step you take counts!
Visit the websites and for more information and support the global moment for planet Earth on Saturday, March 22nd at 8:30 pm!